Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Don't Be Blue


I woke up feeling a little blue this morning....so I thought instead of letting the feeling become me I should instead embrace it. So I went in search of a photographic representation of my current state. As usual the universe has an uncanny way of talking to us.

Instead of finding my blue represented connection t0 my emotions I found this amazing photo of the gemstone azurite. To quote directley from Love Is In The Earth....
"It enhances creativity, mellows the intellect with love, helps one to maintain communication from the heart space, and stimulates ones compassionate and empathetic nature. The energy of azurite is also conducive to the dissolution of impediments and restraints in ones progress; focusing on the mineral, with directed thought to the actualization of the release all barriers in ones path, initiates and expedites the process. In meditaion it provides for relaxation and for the easy entry to the void of the state of no mind. It allows one to travel deep within the inner being and to maintain the depth, while integrating the myriad of visual images which are made available".

Now how's that for the universe helping me out.

I guess my point is this...no matter what state you wake to, are in at the moment, find yourself in years from now. No matter what...Listen.

If I had just chosen to just listen to my own nasty mood this morning I would have never been able to listen to the whisper that coaxed me out of bed and led me here.

Heres to listening,


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